FAQ Pages

FAQ pages will be the key to your customers. It consists of all the answers to the questions regarding your brand or product. Not only for customers but also for the search engine too. FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions

 FAQ pages

Why creating an FAQ page?

An FAQ page decreases the workload of your customer support team. If you maintain a good FAQ page then most of your customer will reach your page instead of contacting you directly. This makes customers way easier. If they get the right answer for you, then they buy products from you without delay.

A properly managed FAQ page can build trust on you. If you provide all the necessary details regarding your product, booking, and delivery it entitles a trust on you and helps you to improve your traffic and thus business.

Include all your features and uniqueness compared to your competitor, thus your customers can know about you. By all these ways, a perfect FAQ page can drive a significant number of signals towards your business pages. Thus, you have to maintain good internal and external links to make the navigation easier.

What might be the content of your FAQ?

How to arrange the content in your FAQ page? What kind of question and answers are to be included? Answer to all these questions purely depends on your product nature. If you are engaged in a tourism area, then your FAQ is totally different from the textile industry. The nature of the customers, the queries they raise, the product or service you provide are entirely different. But there is something in common. First of all, find all the general question that is possible to ask by a human being. And a very straight forward answer.

Then consult with your colleagues and friends regarding your product and ask about their queries. From there itself you can build a number of questions that may your user ask.

The answers must be enough short and possible to understand by a common man. Include links and navigations to the deeper information and topics from the answer itself. And if you have e anything more to say, the writer as a stand-alone article. In addition to this, you can add a video as an answer for more and further clarification. Creating a video for the answer is always a good practice. This improves the confidence of your customer, and trust towards you. And this is another marketing opportunity for you.


You can visit my previous blog about How Infographic Influences Your Digital Marketing, posted on October 26, 2020 .

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